Farm Shop
Pet Supplies
Wild Bird
Logs & Coal
Garden Supplies
Compost & Plants
3 Large Pigs Ears
2 x XL Pigs Ears
Buffalo Ear & Meat Large x 2
Cows Ears x 5
Lambs Ears x 3
Rabbit Ears - with fur x 6
Large Beef Tendons x 3
Large Dried Pigs Trotter (rear leg)
Lamb Trotters x 2
Beef Biltong x 5
Pizzle Sticks x 3
Turkey Necks x 2
Chicken Necks x 20
Goose Wings x 2
Buffalo Wrapped Trachea
Whole Hollow Beef Trachea
8'' Buffalo Roll (Smoked Meat) x 2
8'' Buffalo Roll (Peanut Butter) x 2
Filled Beef Rolls with Sheep Fat x 4
Sausage Rolls x 2